
Version 1.0 of RBC includes n=6346 participants ages 5-85 (n=2869 females) drawn from 5 major studies of brain development that included structural and functional neuroimaging. These studies were conducted in North America, China, and Brazil; see below for details regarding each dataset.

Dataset Institution Number of Sites PI Sample Size Number of Sessions Average age Structural MRI Sessions Functional MRI Sessions
Developmental Chinese Color Nest Project Beijing Normal University 1 Xi-Nian Zuo 195 195 11.9 195 195 195
Philadelphia Neurodevelopmental Cohort University of Pennsylvania 1 Raquel Gur 1601 1601 14.9 1601 1561 1601
Rockland Sample Nathan Kline Institute 1 Michael Milham
Stan Colcombe
1329 2306 36.6 2271 2268 2306
Healthy Brain Network Child Mind Institute 4 Michael Milham 2611 2611 10.4 2565 2487 2611
Brazil High Risk Cohort National Institute of Developmental Psychiatry for Children and Adolescents (INCT-CNPq), São Paulo, Brazil; Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil. 2 Giovanni Abrahão Salum Jr.
Pedro Mario Pan Neto
610 907 9.8 904 821 907
Total 6346 7620 7536 7332
A notebook summarizing RBC demographics can be found here!